Monday, 18 June 2018

How to Protect Children from Dog Bites

All over the world, An estimated 4 Million People are bitten by Dogs Yearly and around 75% of them are Children below the age of 18. Sometimes, these bites are so dangerous that it takes months to heal the scar and the pain.

This is the reason I am writing today about the importance of Training your Dog to Stop Biting People. These injuries and accidents can be minimized with proper education.

Why Do Dogs Bite Children?

Dogs are naturally pack animals and when they see themselves around children, which are somewhat similar to their height, Dogs tend to show themselves superior by displaying protective behavior towards any person or object.

Also, children below the age of 5 years do not understand the boundaries and may disturb pet dogs while they are eating or they need some time alone. You can read more about dog Psychology here at Cesarsway

The Combination of an Overpossessive dog and a kid who doesn't understand boundaries is very dangerous and can lead to accidents. Dogs may also get provoked if children pulls the dog's ears or tails just for the sake of fun.

Again you can see that the kid crosses his limits and doesn't understand the boundaries that he should have with a pet Dog in the house

A Dog can also bite if he is feeling sick or he is not well. He may also be suffering from some kind of pain such as back pain or chronic pain.

I request all dog owners to be aware and active when they have a kid below 5 years of age and a possessive dog in their home.

As the Kids have a Small height, chances are high that your dog may even attack at his face or neck which is really very very dangerous. But don't worry and keep reading on as i will suggest you some measures which will not let this accident happen.

How to Prevent an Attack?

A dog owner has the responsibility of maintaining a good strong bond between his family and his pet dog. To ensure this, both should be kept safe from each other. 
Every person in the family needs to accomplish this and for this, education is important as to what should be avoided and take care of.

As i said one of the most important thing to take care of is the age of the child in the house. If he is below 5 years, there are huge chances that he doesn't understand the guidelines and limits that he shall not cross. 

For example he may even eat something or put into his mouth from dog's crate or may even eat dog food.

Hence its very important to take care of both of them.
I would highly suggest to adopt a dog after your kid is mature enough to understand how he needs to behave around a pet dog.

More Precautions to be Taken are -
  1. Keep your kid away from Unfamiliar dogs.
  2. Never Scream or run from a Dog.
  3. If a Dog Approaches you, do not Run.
  4. Do not Disturb a Dog who is Eating or Sleeping.

Here is an Attack of a Dog on a Kid. 

Friday, 15 June 2018

How to Stop Dog Biting in 2018

Approximately 4 million people are bitten by dogs in the United States alone every year and 800K of those need immediate medical attention for their Wounds.

Out of this 4 million, Half of them, that is, 2 Million are children and they are very vulnerable to Dog Bite Attacks. Especially they are not aware of the things that they need to do in such a situation.

Any Dog has got the ability to bite and cause severe damage to the human body and it is very important to teach dog owners of ways by which they can stop their dog from getting aggressive and biting others.

5 Main Reasons for Dog Biting:

1. Dog Possessiveness

Dogs get possessive about their property such as any toy, territory or any human being. In order to protect their property, they tend to bite someone.
You need to Train your dog early in order to minimize this kind of behavior. This should start from his puppyhood.

Teaching your dog about "Leave It" command is very useful and can prevent him from guarding his territory or toy.
You can also teach children not to bother any dog when they are eating .

2. Dog Fear can cause Bites

Dogs tends to bite someone of fear. Fear is usually directed towards starngers or someone they feel scared to. Thats why i often tell people never to touch or come near any stranger or unfamiliar dog. 
Chances are high that he may not be too friendly and can do anything.

3. Dog Pain

Pain can cause any friendly dog to Bite. This is because they are depressed or tensed. Your dog might be suffering from chronic or back problem. Instruct your children to stay away from areas where your dog is getting hurt as he may get aggressive if that pains him.
 I would advice you to schedule an appointment with your veterinary doctor and get some medicine such as pain killers to minimize the pain

You can Train your dog as well using Dog Training blogs such as Little paws training.